Therapeutic Yoga and Movement for Mature Adults

Would you like to feel more flexible, less stiff and more relaxed and open in your body? This class is suitable for older adults who are new to Yoga or experienced students. Whether you are dealing with pain resulting from a car accident, an injury, experiencing chronic pain, or hold stress-related tensions, you will benefit by working at your own level. You will be guided to connect to the natural flow of your breath and do floor practices that gently warm up and open all areas of your body to release physical tensions. We will work with poses (asanas), breath (pranayama) and quietening practices (meditation and relaxation). I will invite you to cultivate both strength and flexibility while staying engaged, present and relaxed with whatever your experience is. Modifications will be offered to suit all levels of ability. You will be challenged to stretch your limits while learning in a safe way.

Supta Padangusthasana with belt (connecting foot to pelvis)

Supta Padangusthasana with belt (connecting foot to pelvis)

Each class will include a short Tensegrity* sequence to access the deep myofascial lines and explore connections from the core to the limbs. Please bring a blanket, and your own yoga equipment if you have it.

*The Tensegrity Repair Series was developed by senior Vijnana Yoga teacher Gioia Irwin. It is a sequence of movements designed to tone and strengthen the core and bring more flexibility and function to the energy network of the body’s connective tissue system (muscles, fascia, tendons and ligaments). It helps to break down adhesions within and rehydrate fascia especially if you have had surgery and after injuries.

This class is offered through the SCRD, at the Gibsons Recreation Centre or the Sechelt Aquatic Centre

This class is presently on hold.
Check back for upcoming dates.